Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fun Night

We picked up Lyndsey to take her to the hockey game. We got to see the 4 little ones getting ready to go trick or treating. They were so cute. Katie came out running to see us. She looked so funny with dark hair. She is really a blonde.

Chloe dressed as a devil but she is a super sweet girl.

Karly went as a cow. She was the same cow last year. LOL

Then Amy dressed up as a basket of laundry. It was a very clever outfit. I never thought of that. Here she is getting ready.

On the way to the hockey game we stopped at Pizza Hut to have dinner with youngest son Jeff and his family, plus a couple extra kids. We were all going to the game.

At the beginning of the second period Lucas got to lead the team back on the ice. He carried the team flag and skated around Komets half of the ice. He was just so excited.

A little story about Lucas. He has always said he wanted to be a hockey player. But we told him how can you be a hockey player if you can not ice skate. Didn't bother him because he was still going to be a hockey player. So in January right before his 10th birthday they got him some ice skates and took him out learn to skate. He is a natural. First time out he skated for three hours and only fell a couple times.

He wanted to join a hockey team but you have to be tested to make sure you are at a certain level before you can join a team. They took him to lessons and after 7 months he passed and they let him join a team. Jeff said it takes most kids 2 years before they can qualify. We went a couple weeks ago to watch him play and it was really fun.


Greg said...

Hi Bonnie,
I'm glad your joining in on the next round of quilt bingo. my email address is on the blog page now. Send me an email with how many cards you want and I'll email the cards to you along with my address.


Nancy said...

What great costumes!!

You wanted to join in my contest, but you are coming through as no-reply. Can you send me an email address?